Novel Technologies for Live

Our aim is to understand the dynamic regulatory networks that drive cellular functions. Using multidimensional approach our pursuit is to understand the coordination within biological systems, shedding light on the resilience and adaptability or lite forms in the face or biotic and abiotic stresses. By delving into genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, combined with machine learning and data analysis, we uncover the orchestration of biological processes essential for survival and adaptation.

Meet Our Team

All begins with an idea

Dr Galina Brychkova

Head of MetaTech Laboratory

With a focus on genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics, Galina’s lab is focused on understanding dynamic regulatory networks driving cellular functions and modeling organisms’ response to environmental stresses to engineer improved organisms to address climate change challenges.

Dr Oren Jovic

Insight PostDoc Researcher

Data Driven/LLM/AI/ML PostDoctoral Researcher to work on innovative FeFoodGenAI Project will start the work in September 2024

Moman Khan

IRC PhD Student

As a dedicated member of our research team, Moman Khan is actively involved in the design of vectors for ryegrass transformation. His work is essential in the development of cutting-edge solutions to address challenges in the agriculture through the lenses of synthetic biology.

Aysel Malekpour 

SFI PhD student

Biotechnologist and specialist in proteomics, Aysel will start the work on SFI funded project on Design and development of Novel Combinatorial 4D Colorimetric Biosensor for food safety from November 2024

Scholarship is available

CoSE PhD student

Applying deep knowledge of molecular biology and biochemistry, student will start the work on Pandemycora2.0 to Discover the Cell Development and Regulation in White Button Mushrooms in response to stress project from November 2024.

Denis Ruchko

UG Genetics & Genomics Student

3rd Year Genetics & Genomics Student, University of Galway working on bioinformatic analysis of mushroom-pathogen regulatory network

Nayyer Esmaili

Visiting PhD student, University of Tabriz, Iran

Molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry and data driven students for agrifood sustainability- we need you!

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